Physical Exercise and Health Education

The human body requires exercise. Exercise keeps it fit and healthy. It becomes weak and unhealthy without exercise. Some people do manual labour, such as soldiers, peasants and labourers. Physical exercise is not necessary for them. Some people do mental work, such as students, teachers, office-workers, merchants, doctors, etc. Physical exercise is necessary for them. They can keep their bodies fit by means of physical exercise.
There are many kinds of physical exercise, such as outdoor games, running, riding, boating, swimming, walking. We can take any kind of exercise which suits our constitution and taste. Some exercises are costly, while some cost little. Walking is the easiest form of exercise. It can be taken by anyone, old or wrong.
Physical exercise should be taken in the open air. It should be taken in the morning or evening. It should be taken moderately. Excess of exercise is bad. It damages our health. Excess exercise is as bad as no exercise. After exercise, we require a little rest. With physical exercise we must have a good diet. Physical exercise without proper diet is not so useful. We should never take exercise just after food.
Physical exercise helps us to improve our health. It makes us active and cheerful. It drives off lethargy and anxieties. It gives us pleasure. It is a sort of entertainment. We feel relaxed and refreshed after exercise. We get fresh vigour and energy. It gives strength to work harder and better. It tunes up our entire system.
People in our country do not attach much importance to physical exercise. It is only a few educated persons who value it. The importance of physical exercise should be understood by everybody. It is important for all, educated or uneducated. Physical exercise is not given due consideration in our schools and campuses. Such neglect should be checked. Health education should be made compulsory in schools and colleges without exception. We require healthy citizens for the prosperity of our country. Health education helps us to create a nation of healthy people. Concerted efforts should be made to develop physical education in our country.
The Ministry of Education has a special responsibility in the development of Health education in our schools. Should encourage physical education in our schools by making special grants and providing other facilities. Sports Council of our country also has a great responsibility. It should organise sports competitions and establish sports clubs in different parts of the country. Besides sports, it should encourage other physical activities. Its activities should not be confined within a city but should extend beyond it. It should also give thought to the establishment of an Institute of Health Education.

Importance of Health Education

It is said that health is the most precious gift. Health is our most precious part of our life. If a man is healthy, he can work hard and succeed in life. He can earn a lot of wealth. A healthy man is always cheerful. He possesses strength of mind. He has self-confidence. He does not lose heart easily. He can face dangers and difficulties boldly. If he is healthy, he can enjoy his wealth. He finds happiness in life. A healthy man is a happy man.
If a man is unhealthy, he cannot be happy in life. He cannot work hard. He cannot accomplish anything in life. He always thinks of his ill-health. He does not find any interest in life. He cannot enjoy his wealth. He has no courage. He is a timid person. He is easily upset by difficulties. He is sad and miserable. Life is a burden to him.
If a man wants to be happy in life, he must improve his health. Many things are important to take care of your health. The first necessary thing is cleanliness. We should keep our bodies clean. We should take bath daily. We should put on clean clothes. We should keep our surroundings clean. Our houses should be sanitary and well-ventilated.
The second necessary thing is good food. We should eat nourishing food. If our food is poor, we cannot maintain good health. We should take plenty of milk, meat, fish, eggs, fruits and green vegetables. Our food should be pure and fresh. We should eat our food in time. Besides good food, we need pure water. We should drink clean water. If we drink impure water, we become a prey to diseases.
Thirdly, we require physical exercise. There are different forms of physical exercise. We may take an exercise that we like. Walking is a good exercise. If we walk in the morning or evening, we inhale fresh air. Fresh air is very necessary for good health. We should take exercise moderately. Too much of physical exercise damages our health. If we don't like to take any exercise, we may play games. Physical exercise is not necessary to those who do manual work.
Next, we should have rest. We should not work continuously for a long time. Over-work spoils our health. Sleep is the best form of rest. We should have plenty of sleep. Another necessary thing is amusement. We should have some sort of amusement. There are many sources of amusement; games, music, cinema-going, friendship, etc. We should avoid worry. Over-anxiety damages our health.
The development of a country depends on the health of its people. If people are healthy, they can work hard and develop their country. The people of our country do not attach much importance to good health. This is due to their ignorance and poverty. The majority of our people are uneducated. They   are unaware of the rules of health. As they are poor, they cannot eat good food. Children should be taught the importance of health. Health education should form part of school education. If children learn the value of health, they will try to maintain good health all through life.

Jogging: A step towards healthy life

In Britain millions of people go for a jogging in a regular basis. But will they be shocked by the new reports that for our heath jogging may not be healthy or benecifial as we are accustomed to think. Today many researchers are claiming that jogging is harmful to our skin just like the smoking and the sun. Jogging can cause wrinkle before time. So researchers are saying it is not good for our health.

Jogging is not good for our health  

Many researchers are claiming that Jogging can create heart problem which ultimately leads to heart attack. But these claims are not true, it's baseless. According to since 1981 in London Marathon many people almost 400,000 in numbers have already run in that marathon, In that time there were only five deaths. Those people who died were suffering from heart disease which was very severe. So those people who died were at risk before that.
But at the same time many other researchers are claiming that jogging in a regular basis will help you to have a healthy and long life. Recent researches have shown that jogging in a regular basis will help you to cut the risk of diseases related in with heart by 50 percenet and after some time it boosts your cardiovascular system, it helps to improve your circulation and also allows to work our lung and heart in a more efficient way.  we can prevent more than ten thousand deaths which occurs due to the heart attack if we keep ourselves healthy by regularly going for a  jogging and  also doing other exercises like aerobics according to the recent data.

It keeps our bones healthy and in a shape 

Jogging and running are the activities which are full of high effect and impact. The main aim of jogging is to increase the strength, robustness and sturdiness of our health without giving any sort of stress. As I have mentioned earlier jogging is a exercise full of high effect and impact that places force on our body, specially in the joints of our knee. That is one of the main reasons people are doing jogging because it helps to push the processes of growth in that particular part of body where it has been stressed by this exercise. Around the world many runners use jogging during their break from the training as a method to recover actively. 

Researchers have claimed that people who don't go for a jogging are at a higher risk of death before time. But the people who go for jogging in a regular basis  will have a very healthy life which leads to longer life. By the latest research people who go for a jogging regularly increases the expectancy of their life by 6.2 years in men and 5.6 years in women. Jogging regularly will give you lots of benefits. Jogging helps us to lower our blood pressure, increases the density of our bones, decreases the aggregation of the platelet and it also improves the functions of our cardiac. Jogging also increases the activities of fibrinolytic, it also helps to increase the HDL and helps to decreases the triglycerides. It has shown that elderly people who go for jogging had very few disease and disabilities. 

Recent researches have confirmed that jogging regulary is very effective in increasing the lifespan of human and it helps to decrease the aging before time. Jogging regularys boosts our cardiovascular system. Jogging is very effective in preventing obesity and helps us to stay healthy and fit.  Jogging helps to decrease the prostate and breast cancers and it also decreases the risk of cancer of lung and colon. American Cancer Society has issued a data which suggested that joggind thirty minutes for five days in a week helps to prevent cancer. Jogging in a outer space more beneficial because it boosts the levels of our energy. Jogging also helps to prevent damages of our bones and improves the performance of our heart and circulation of our blood. Jogging on a treadmill is also good but it's not that good compared to jogging in a outer space. In conclusion jogging is very good for our health so we all should go for jogging to stay healthy and prevent various diseases.  

Stress and it's impact on our health

When we feel everything is going out of control we normally use the word "stress" for the that situation. We found ourselves completely pressed by that situation. And we wonder that whether we can get out of this situation or we start to think can i really solve a difficult situation like this. Do i have a capacity to face a situation like this. Anything in our life that causes a threat or let's say a challange which causes a danger to our life is a stress. Sometimes stress helps you to stay focused in our dreams and these are really good for you. If there is no stress in our lives then our life will be quite boring and life seems useless. But there are some stress which can cause harm to our physical and mental health. Such stress are really bad. So in this article we will discuss about the negative stress which are bad for us.
There is a difference between stress and the thing which cause stress. Stress is the reaction when we are in difficult situation which causes pressure on us. Things which can cause stress can be noises of various kinds  and annoying people. Even in our first date we can feel stress or may be a car which is coming in a greater speed and noisy sound. Normally the more we face such situations the more stressed we can become.
How to respond to a stress
The way we deal with a stress can also be a some sort of stress. Responding to a situation like this is a physiological and it can affect our physical state. For example if you need to rescue someone who is drowning in a lake or a river, you need to use your body to give you extra power and strength to remove the rubbles and rescue the trapped people. There are things which can happen when we are stressed. Whenever we are going through stress normally these things can happen. 
There we will be a rise in our blood pressure.
We start to breathe in a rapid way.
There will be a enormous rise in our heart rate.
Our immune system decreases and it goes down.
We will feel tense in our muscles.
We will not be able to sleep.
Many of us have different perceptions and thoughts about stress. Some people focused on the things that are happening to them. It can be accidents which cause physical harm to us or may be some of us think about promotion in their jobs. May be some people think about the incidents which happened to them. The most important thing is what we think when we find our selves in a difficult situation. Majority of us observe the problems and situations which occurred in our life. We evaluate each and every incident and situation, thinking which one is a real problem or a dangerous to our well being. And we think about how we can solve the problem we are facing with the resources we have. If we come to the conclusion that to solve the problem we need extra resources than we have right now then we end up saying this is really difficult situation and it is very stressful. And we begin to worry instead of trying to solve the problem. But instead of worrying if we believe that we have plenty of resources and more than enough skills to solve the problems. Then that problem will not be stressful anymore. And we will be able to solve the stressful situation we are facing.
The way we deal with our stress affects our well being and health. We all are different so we look at the incident in a different way. So we apply different things and way to solve the problems. Each of us have different skills and resources.   

Anatomy of Mental illness

Being mentally ill is a condition, so it is a disease which affect how we think, how we relate to our surrounding and how we relate with other people. Majority of us know the people who are suffering from this disease. Symptoms of such disease can be different. It can be mild and severe as well. The disease cannot be same in everyone. So many people can have this mental disease but they can suffer in a different way. It will be very difficult for many people to live a normal life. But if a specialist  in such disease identify you and helps you to get treatment, most of the time you can live a normal life. In one family there can be many mental illness. 
Doctors still don't know the main reason behind mental illness. There are many things like our experiences in life, our biology or our genes which can cause this disease. You will not suffer from this disease just because your mother or father are suffering from such disease.  In some situations which include some circuits which are in our brains that we normally use to think, in our mood or in our everyday behavior. For example if we don't have enough or we have too much activities of some brain chemicals which is known as "neurotransmitters" in that circuit. In many cases mental conditions and brain injuries are also related.
Some mental disease can arise or can be worse because of psychological trauma which happened when we were teenager or may be when we were child. For example we had very difficult childhood or we may have faced sexual abuse, physical abuse. We may have a major loss like the death of our father, mother or our friends. Main causes of stress like divorce or death, problems in our family, or the loss of job, loss of school which can create mental disease in some people.  But that does not mean not everyone who goes through such difficult situations  will develop mental disease. When you face difficulty in your life, it is normal for you to have sadness, depression or grief. But being mentally ill is a very different thing. 
There are many kinds of mental illnesses, and symptoms of those can also be different. There are some symptoms which can cause this disease in your life. 
You will stay alone.
You mood changes very fast.
You will have problems in your relationship.
You are hearing or seeing those things that doesn't exist.
Using Alcohol or drugs excessively.
You are feeling very down and not enjoying things which you used to like. 
Thoughts of harming your physical body or thinking about suicide, or feelings of harming other people.
You are having difficulty to sleep in the night time.
If you're going through such symptoms then it's better for you to talk to your doctor or your counselor to find out the reason behind such problems. 
Mental illness is very prevalent than disease related with heart, diabetes or cancer. It can affect any people, it can happen to children, teenager to adults. It can happen to poor, rich, educated or uneducated people. But there is a solution. It is treatable.  If you take medicines, prescribed drugs then It can decrease the symptoms for example the depression, anxiety you're facing. You can treat this disease by the help of Psychotherapy. You can do this by one on one talk with your counselor. You can do this in a group. It will help you to learn various ways to face or confront the problem or the difficult situations. 

Bad Breath and it's effect on our health

Bad breath which is also known as a halitosis, it can happen due to your carelessness towards your dental health. And it is a sign of poor health.  Your breath can become worse by the food you choose to eat and other bad habits that are not good for your dental health.
Our eating habits affect our dental health. 
Normally the food we eat starts to break into pieces in our mouth. And when we digest the food, then the process of absorbing the food into our bloodstream begins. If we eat food like garlic or onions which contain strong odors, it will be very difficult for you to cover up the odors it brings. Even if you brush and flush your mouth it is very difficult to remove the strong odor of such foods. You cannot remove the odor completely unless the foods are digested wholly.  If we don't brush our teeth regularly, if we don't floss regularly, then the traces of food will remain in our mouth which cause the growth of bacteria in our teeth, around the gum and in our tongue as well.  This bad health behavior causes bad breath. Bacteria which can cause odor and the traces of food can create bad breath if we don't clean our teeth and mouth properly.  Using tobacco products and smoking are also one of the main reasons behind bad breath. It will stain our teeth and we can lose the ability to taste our foods. It can also irritate our gums.  Continuing bad breath and the bad taste could be the signs of gum disease which is also known as periodontal.  The plague on our teeth can cause gum disease.  If you don't treat your gum disease it can be harmful to your jawbone specially damaging to your gums. If you don't fit your dental appliances properly it can create bad breath.  We may not know that there are millions of bacteria that can live in our mouth. As I have mentioned earlier that it is also called halitosis.  This odor can happen frequently, for some it can last for a long time depending on the nature of the bad breath.
Some of the bad breath are very normal. Those normal types of bad breath are  not harmful to our health.  For example, in the morning time you can have bad breath which is very normal. It happens because when there is a change in our mouth while we are sleeping. But in the day time saliva clears away all the odor and remaining food. But in the night time our body makes very few saliva. And our mouth can become very dry, and there will be lots of dead cells sticking to our tongue and the inner part of our cheeks. When those cells are used by bacteria for food, they create a very bad odor. You may have bad odor but could be unaware of this. It is because the cells in our nose which detects odor are familiar with the smell. But your family and friends may discover and behave by staying far away from you when you speak. We can have bad breath if there is a infections in our  mouth. And the symptoms vary on the different kinds of infection. There are some things which can be the symptoms of the infection. The gums in our mouth could be swollen or red which can bleed anytime, especially when we brush or floss our teeth. There can pus between our teeth or a pocket of pus in our tooth. Another symptom is open sores in our tongue or gums which can be very painful.

Benefits of drinking water for our health

Sixty percent of our body is made up of water. Normally Doctors recommend to drink eight glass of water everyday. Although there is no specific science behind this fact but drinking enough waters everyday or keeping yourself hydrated is very important. So here are some benefits of drinking water which are science based.
If we don't keep ourselves hydrated, our physical performance will decrease and it will affect our health. This is very true in a summer heat and when you do very intense exercise. Dehydration can cause a very damaging effect if we lose our body's two percent water content.  But for athletes  it is normal to lose up to six to ten percent of the water weight of their body through sweat. If we lose water in that amount then there will be a alteration in our body temperature control. It can reduce our motivation, it will increase fatigue in our body and we can feel very difficult to do physical exercise. It will affect us mentally and physically. So when we drink enough water to keep ourselves hydrated then it keeps our body active and we don't feel stress when we do high intense exercise. For us it is not a surprising news when we get the knowledge that eighty percent of our muscle is water. So If we do high intensity exercise and sweat a lot then drinking plenty of waters can help you to perform better. 
Our status of hydration can have strong influence in our brain. Recent research shows that many aspects of our brain function can be impaired by mild little dehydration. Recent research on young women shows losing fluid of 1.36 percent after some high intensity exercise can have a damaging effect on their memory, their levels of anxiety and fatigue was increased rapidly.  This can happen in our day to day life not only when we do exercise of high intensity.  Another studies on children and elder people showed that mild types of dehydration can damage our memory, mood and the performance of our brain.
Drinking enough water can help us to treat headaches and it will prevent from having headaches. Dehydration can create headaches. Some people can suffer from migraines as well. Many studies and researches have found that drinking enough water can help to reduce headaches. But it also depends on the nature of the headache you're having. Another studies on eighteen people showed that water had no particular effect on the headaches they are having. But it did help to decrease the duration and intensity of the headaches.
 Drinking enough water everyday helps to lose weight. Anyone who is trying to lose weight can do this by increasing their intake of water. Studies have proved that when you drink water before your meal, you can lose your weight faster than those people who don't drink water. Drinking water before our meal compels us to eat less and we feel very full. 
We can reduce our constipation if we drink enough water. We all know that Constipation is one of the common problems we are facing since a long time. Drinking lots of water is a part of treating constipation and there is a scientific reason behind this theory. Water is very important for our digestion. The food we normally eat goes from our stomach to the large intestine. If there is no enough water in our body, if we are dehydrated – then large intestine in our body soaks up water from the waste of the food. This in turn creates hard stools which are difficult to excrete. 
There are many other reasons behind chronic constipation which includes what food you eat, the medicine you take and pregnancy.