Anatomy of Mental illness

Being mentally ill is a condition, so it is a disease which affect how we think, how we relate to our surrounding and how we relate with other people. Majority of us know the people who are suffering from this disease. Symptoms of such disease can be different. It can be mild and severe as well. The disease cannot be same in everyone. So many people can have this mental disease but they can suffer in a different way. It will be very difficult for many people to live a normal life. But if a specialist  in such disease identify you and helps you to get treatment, most of the time you can live a normal life. In one family there can be many mental illness. 
Doctors still don't know the main reason behind mental illness. There are many things like our experiences in life, our biology or our genes which can cause this disease. You will not suffer from this disease just because your mother or father are suffering from such disease.  In some situations which include some circuits which are in our brains that we normally use to think, in our mood or in our everyday behavior. For example if we don't have enough or we have too much activities of some brain chemicals which is known as "neurotransmitters" in that circuit. In many cases mental conditions and brain injuries are also related.
Some mental disease can arise or can be worse because of psychological trauma which happened when we were teenager or may be when we were child. For example we had very difficult childhood or we may have faced sexual abuse, physical abuse. We may have a major loss like the death of our father, mother or our friends. Main causes of stress like divorce or death, problems in our family, or the loss of job, loss of school which can create mental disease in some people.  But that does not mean not everyone who goes through such difficult situations  will develop mental disease. When you face difficulty in your life, it is normal for you to have sadness, depression or grief. But being mentally ill is a very different thing. 
There are many kinds of mental illnesses, and symptoms of those can also be different. There are some symptoms which can cause this disease in your life. 
You will stay alone.
You mood changes very fast.
You will have problems in your relationship.
You are hearing or seeing those things that doesn't exist.
Using Alcohol or drugs excessively.
You are feeling very down and not enjoying things which you used to like. 
Thoughts of harming your physical body or thinking about suicide, or feelings of harming other people.
You are having difficulty to sleep in the night time.
If you're going through such symptoms then it's better for you to talk to your doctor or your counselor to find out the reason behind such problems. 
Mental illness is very prevalent than disease related with heart, diabetes or cancer. It can affect any people, it can happen to children, teenager to adults. It can happen to poor, rich, educated or uneducated people. But there is a solution. It is treatable.  If you take medicines, prescribed drugs then It can decrease the symptoms for example the depression, anxiety you're facing. You can treat this disease by the help of Psychotherapy. You can do this by one on one talk with your counselor. You can do this in a group. It will help you to learn various ways to face or confront the problem or the difficult situations. 


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