The Kidneys and their functions

The kidneys are organs which are bean shaped that do many important works in vertebrates. From blood kidneys clears all the unncessary molecules which are in excess amount and by doing this they do their function which everyone knows about: clearing away all the unwanted junk products of metabolism. Kidneys are extremely important to the urinary system and it also performs duties of homeostatic like adjustment of electrolytes and maintenance of balance which are of acid base. And keeping the balance of blood pressure (by keeping the balance of the water and salt). They give service to the body by filtering the blood naturally, and clears away wastes of water soluble which are directed to the bladder. During the production of urine Kidneys expel wastes of nitrogenous like ammonium and urea. Kidneys have got responsibility of reabsorping the glucose, water and and amino acids. Kidneys also have responsibility of production of hormones as well as erythropoietin and  calcitriol.  A very essential enzyme named renin is also produced by kidneys which works as feedback in a negative way. 
Urine is excreted into a ureter by each kidney which goes into the bladder.
studies about kidney function is called renal physiology and nephrology is  medical studies which is related with kidney diseases. There're great deal of variety in the diseases of kidney, but people who have kidney disease often show qualities of a clinical features. Kidney involving the usual clinical conditions contain syndromes of nephrotic and nephritic, chronic disease of kidney, acute injury of kidney, infection of urinary tract, obstruction of urinary tract and nephrolithiasis. There're various cancers of kidney in existence. Renal cell carcinoma is the adult renal cancer which is very common. By removing the kidney we can manage renal conditions, cysts and cancers. This is called as nephrectomy. Even when we measure renal function with the help of glomerular filtration rate is in poor state then treatment options are dialysis as well as kidney transplantation. Usually those treatment options are not dangerous and harmful but kidney stones can be very very excruciating and painful.
In human body kidneys are located at the back of the abdominal cavity.  Kidney is almost four or five inches long in size - almost the a size of our fist. Filtering the blood of our body is the main duty of kidney. In human body all the blood flows through our kidney many times a day. The kidneys clears wastes, take controls of fluid balance of our body and maintain the balance of our electrolytes. As we all know that the main duty of kidney is to filter the blood of our human body, and urine is also created by it, which gather in the pelvis ( shape of funnel  structure)of the kidney which goes down tunes also known as ureters into the bladder. Each kidney holds nephrons which is around million units. For blood each of those nephrons work as a microscopic filter. Without any problems or symptoms there is a great chance of losing ninety percent of kidney function. kidney can be infected by the bacteria which is called kidney pelvis's infection normally it will cause fever and back pain. A bacteria can spread from an untreated bladder infection which is main cause of infection pyelonephritis.


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