Jogging: A step towards healthy life

In Britain millions of people go for a jogging in a regular basis. But will they be shocked by the new reports that for our heath jogging may not be healthy or benecifial as we are accustomed to think. Today many researchers are claiming that jogging is harmful to our skin just like the smoking and the sun. Jogging can cause wrinkle before time. So researchers are saying it is not good for our health.

Jogging is not good for our health  

Many researchers are claiming that Jogging can create heart problem which ultimately leads to heart attack. But these claims are not true, it's baseless. According to since 1981 in London Marathon many people almost 400,000 in numbers have already run in that marathon, In that time there were only five deaths. Those people who died were suffering from heart disease which was very severe. So those people who died were at risk before that.
But at the same time many other researchers are claiming that jogging in a regular basis will help you to have a healthy and long life. Recent researches have shown that jogging in a regular basis will help you to cut the risk of diseases related in with heart by 50 percenet and after some time it boosts your cardiovascular system, it helps to improve your circulation and also allows to work our lung and heart in a more efficient way.  we can prevent more than ten thousand deaths which occurs due to the heart attack if we keep ourselves healthy by regularly going for a  jogging and  also doing other exercises like aerobics according to the recent data.

It keeps our bones healthy and in a shape 

Jogging and running are the activities which are full of high effect and impact. The main aim of jogging is to increase the strength, robustness and sturdiness of our health without giving any sort of stress. As I have mentioned earlier jogging is a exercise full of high effect and impact that places force on our body, specially in the joints of our knee. That is one of the main reasons people are doing jogging because it helps to push the processes of growth in that particular part of body where it has been stressed by this exercise. Around the world many runners use jogging during their break from the training as a method to recover actively. 

Researchers have claimed that people who don't go for a jogging are at a higher risk of death before time. But the people who go for jogging in a regular basis  will have a very healthy life which leads to longer life. By the latest research people who go for a jogging regularly increases the expectancy of their life by 6.2 years in men and 5.6 years in women. Jogging regularly will give you lots of benefits. Jogging helps us to lower our blood pressure, increases the density of our bones, decreases the aggregation of the platelet and it also improves the functions of our cardiac. Jogging also increases the activities of fibrinolytic, it also helps to increase the HDL and helps to decreases the triglycerides. It has shown that elderly people who go for jogging had very few disease and disabilities. 

Recent researches have confirmed that jogging regulary is very effective in increasing the lifespan of human and it helps to decrease the aging before time. Jogging regularys boosts our cardiovascular system. Jogging is very effective in preventing obesity and helps us to stay healthy and fit.  Jogging helps to decrease the prostate and breast cancers and it also decreases the risk of cancer of lung and colon. American Cancer Society has issued a data which suggested that joggind thirty minutes for five days in a week helps to prevent cancer. Jogging in a outer space more beneficial because it boosts the levels of our energy. Jogging also helps to prevent damages of our bones and improves the performance of our heart and circulation of our blood. Jogging on a treadmill is also good but it's not that good compared to jogging in a outer space. In conclusion jogging is very good for our health so we all should go for jogging to stay healthy and prevent various diseases.  


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