Benefits of drinking water for our health

Sixty percent of our body is made up of water. Normally Doctors recommend to drink eight glass of water everyday. Although there is no specific science behind this fact but drinking enough waters everyday or keeping yourself hydrated is very important. So here are some benefits of drinking water which are science based.
If we don't keep ourselves hydrated, our physical performance will decrease and it will affect our health. This is very true in a summer heat and when you do very intense exercise. Dehydration can cause a very damaging effect if we lose our body's two percent water content.  But for athletes  it is normal to lose up to six to ten percent of the water weight of their body through sweat. If we lose water in that amount then there will be a alteration in our body temperature control. It can reduce our motivation, it will increase fatigue in our body and we can feel very difficult to do physical exercise. It will affect us mentally and physically. So when we drink enough water to keep ourselves hydrated then it keeps our body active and we don't feel stress when we do high intense exercise. For us it is not a surprising news when we get the knowledge that eighty percent of our muscle is water. So If we do high intensity exercise and sweat a lot then drinking plenty of waters can help you to perform better. 
Our status of hydration can have strong influence in our brain. Recent research shows that many aspects of our brain function can be impaired by mild little dehydration. Recent research on young women shows losing fluid of 1.36 percent after some high intensity exercise can have a damaging effect on their memory, their levels of anxiety and fatigue was increased rapidly.  This can happen in our day to day life not only when we do exercise of high intensity.  Another studies on children and elder people showed that mild types of dehydration can damage our memory, mood and the performance of our brain.
Drinking enough water can help us to treat headaches and it will prevent from having headaches. Dehydration can create headaches. Some people can suffer from migraines as well. Many studies and researches have found that drinking enough water can help to reduce headaches. But it also depends on the nature of the headache you're having. Another studies on eighteen people showed that water had no particular effect on the headaches they are having. But it did help to decrease the duration and intensity of the headaches.
 Drinking enough water everyday helps to lose weight. Anyone who is trying to lose weight can do this by increasing their intake of water. Studies have proved that when you drink water before your meal, you can lose your weight faster than those people who don't drink water. Drinking water before our meal compels us to eat less and we feel very full. 
We can reduce our constipation if we drink enough water. We all know that Constipation is one of the common problems we are facing since a long time. Drinking lots of water is a part of treating constipation and there is a scientific reason behind this theory. Water is very important for our digestion. The food we normally eat goes from our stomach to the large intestine. If there is no enough water in our body, if we are dehydrated – then large intestine in our body soaks up water from the waste of the food. This in turn creates hard stools which are difficult to excrete. 
There are many other reasons behind chronic constipation which includes what food you eat, the medicine you take and pregnancy.  


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