Bad Breath and it's effect on our health

Bad breath which is also known as a halitosis, it can happen due to your carelessness towards your dental health. And it is a sign of poor health.  Your breath can become worse by the food you choose to eat and other bad habits that are not good for your dental health.
Our eating habits affect our dental health. 
Normally the food we eat starts to break into pieces in our mouth. And when we digest the food, then the process of absorbing the food into our bloodstream begins. If we eat food like garlic or onions which contain strong odors, it will be very difficult for you to cover up the odors it brings. Even if you brush and flush your mouth it is very difficult to remove the strong odor of such foods. You cannot remove the odor completely unless the foods are digested wholly.  If we don't brush our teeth regularly, if we don't floss regularly, then the traces of food will remain in our mouth which cause the growth of bacteria in our teeth, around the gum and in our tongue as well.  This bad health behavior causes bad breath. Bacteria which can cause odor and the traces of food can create bad breath if we don't clean our teeth and mouth properly.  Using tobacco products and smoking are also one of the main reasons behind bad breath. It will stain our teeth and we can lose the ability to taste our foods. It can also irritate our gums.  Continuing bad breath and the bad taste could be the signs of gum disease which is also known as periodontal.  The plague on our teeth can cause gum disease.  If you don't treat your gum disease it can be harmful to your jawbone specially damaging to your gums. If you don't fit your dental appliances properly it can create bad breath.  We may not know that there are millions of bacteria that can live in our mouth. As I have mentioned earlier that it is also called halitosis.  This odor can happen frequently, for some it can last for a long time depending on the nature of the bad breath.
Some of the bad breath are very normal. Those normal types of bad breath are  not harmful to our health.  For example, in the morning time you can have bad breath which is very normal. It happens because when there is a change in our mouth while we are sleeping. But in the day time saliva clears away all the odor and remaining food. But in the night time our body makes very few saliva. And our mouth can become very dry, and there will be lots of dead cells sticking to our tongue and the inner part of our cheeks. When those cells are used by bacteria for food, they create a very bad odor. You may have bad odor but could be unaware of this. It is because the cells in our nose which detects odor are familiar with the smell. But your family and friends may discover and behave by staying far away from you when you speak. We can have bad breath if there is a infections in our  mouth. And the symptoms vary on the different kinds of infection. There are some things which can be the symptoms of the infection. The gums in our mouth could be swollen or red which can bleed anytime, especially when we brush or floss our teeth. There can pus between our teeth or a pocket of pus in our tooth. Another symptom is open sores in our tongue or gums which can be very painful.


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