Keeping your heart healthy

In the human body there're alot of organs which are interconnected with each other. Human beings are created in a amazing way. No doctors, researchers and scientists have the knowledge or capacity to find out the mystery which are hidden in organs of the human body. So in the amazingly created human body which organ is the most important organs among all the organs in the human body? In human body all the organs have got their own responsibility.
But i believe among them the most important and precious in the human body is the heart. We all know every organ in the human body is important but human is heart is most important and precious because it possess the necessary things and take it to the body, it releases the waste of body. So it shows no organs are as important as human heart.
One of the main reason that why the heart is so important to the human body is because it has got the all necessary thing which are needed and it gives to other organs of the human body. Other organs of the human body cannnot function without the main important activity of the heart. For example, our brain needs oxygen all the time from blood.
In recent years diseases related with hearts are increasing very rapidly. Every year more and more womens are dying due to heart disease than breast cancer. Today many people believe that heart disease attack only men but that is not true. Awareness is the best way to fight heart disease. Men and women need to find out whether it is a result of carelss lifestyle or heredity.
So what are the best ways through which we can make our heart healthy. We can keep our heart healthy and safe by changing our lifestyle. Everyday we must choose good food for a healthy and safe heart. The most important thing we've to do to keep our heart healthy and safe is to do physical exercise everyday. So food and exercise are very much connected with  a healthy and safe heart.  So what kind of food we have to eat? and what kind food we need to avoid to have a healthy and safe heart. And what kind of exercise we have to do to have a healthy and safe heart. So we are going to look at the list of foods which can keep our heart healthy and safe.
There are lots of foods which can keep our heart safe and healthy. Some foods are good to keep our blood pressure in good level. There are many kinds of foods which keeps our cholesterol in very good balance. So there some list of foods which you can put in your list.
1. Salmon
This fish is very good for our heart due to the omega-3 fatty acids. It keeps our blood flowing all the time. It also lowers our triglycerides. It's best if we focus on to eat two fishes in a week.
2. Walnuts.
If we eat five ounces of walnuts every week then we will lower the risk of heart disease in good rate.
And i'm going to tell you about some exercises we have to do keep our heart healthy and safe.
We can do jogging regulary because it is one of the best exercise to keep your whole body healthy. Jogging makes our bones strong and healthy. it builds our cardiovascular fitness. And it improves the strength of our muscles. That is why it is a very good exercise in order to have a healthy and safe heart. Jogging also helps us to have a very healthy weight. It also helps to improve our self confidence. In conclusion it keeps our whole body fit and healthy.


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