Stress and it's impact on our health

When we feel everything is going out of control we normally use the word "stress" for the that situation. We found ourselves completely pressed by that situation. And we wonder that whether we can get out of this situation or we start to think can i really solve a difficult situation like this. Do i have a capacity to face a situation like this. Anything in our life that causes a threat or let's say a challange which causes a danger to our life is a stress. Sometimes stress helps you to stay focused in our dreams and these are really good for you. If there is no stress in our lives then our life will be quite boring and life seems useless. But there are some stress which can cause harm to our physical and mental health. Such stress are really bad. So in this article we will discuss about the negative stress which are bad for us.
There is a difference between stress and the thing which cause stress. Stress is the reaction when we are in difficult situation which causes pressure on us. Things which can cause stress can be noises of various kinds  and annoying people. Even in our first date we can feel stress or may be a car which is coming in a greater speed and noisy sound. Normally the more we face such situations the more stressed we can become.
How to respond to a stress
The way we deal with a stress can also be a some sort of stress. Responding to a situation like this is a physiological and it can affect our physical state. For example if you need to rescue someone who is drowning in a lake or a river, you need to use your body to give you extra power and strength to remove the rubbles and rescue the trapped people. There are things which can happen when we are stressed. Whenever we are going through stress normally these things can happen. 
There we will be a rise in our blood pressure.
We start to breathe in a rapid way.
There will be a enormous rise in our heart rate.
Our immune system decreases and it goes down.
We will feel tense in our muscles.
We will not be able to sleep.
Many of us have different perceptions and thoughts about stress. Some people focused on the things that are happening to them. It can be accidents which cause physical harm to us or may be some of us think about promotion in their jobs. May be some people think about the incidents which happened to them. The most important thing is what we think when we find our selves in a difficult situation. Majority of us observe the problems and situations which occurred in our life. We evaluate each and every incident and situation, thinking which one is a real problem or a dangerous to our well being. And we think about how we can solve the problem we are facing with the resources we have. If we come to the conclusion that to solve the problem we need extra resources than we have right now then we end up saying this is really difficult situation and it is very stressful. And we begin to worry instead of trying to solve the problem. But instead of worrying if we believe that we have plenty of resources and more than enough skills to solve the problems. Then that problem will not be stressful anymore. And we will be able to solve the stressful situation we are facing.
The way we deal with our stress affects our well being and health. We all are different so we look at the incident in a different way. So we apply different things and way to solve the problems. Each of us have different skills and resources.   


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