Healthy mind and body

Cleanliness is a part of godliness. Cleanliness of body is necessary for health and for self respect. Cleanliness of mind is also very important for your health. "Cleanliness", says the old proverb, "is next to godliness." This saying simply emphasises the great importance of cleanliness. But in practice it has some times been interpreted in a different way, and it means that godliness can provide with cleanliness. In the middle ages in europe, and in some places and classes in asian countries, godliness was associated with dirt. The old ascetic monk, and the Indian yogi, were considered to be all the more holy for being filthy. But true godliness surely means cleanliness of soul and body; and old proverb is like this, "Cleanliness is like moving towards godliness"
Cleanliness of body is necessary for physical health. Dirt and disease go hand in hand. Disease-germs creates and increase and multiply in dirt; and the epidemic diseases which sweep over a country and carry off thousands, are the results of the dirty habits and surrounding of the people. No one can keep healthy who does not keep clean. Not only the regular washing of hands and face, but the frequent and thorough bathing of the whole body, and the clean clothes we wear, are the signs of good health.
Cleanliness of body is also necessary for self-respect. No one can hope to socialize in our society if he is not clean and neat. It is an insult to respectable people to meet them with unclean face and hands, and soiled and clothes with bad odour. A gentleman would feel ashamed if he cannot keep himself neat and clean.
But even more important than cleanliness of body is cleanliness of mind. To say a mind clean and dirty is to use symbolic language. Just as light is the symbol of truth and goodness, and darkness means ignorance and evil, so dirt is the symbol of moral evil and cleanliness of moral purity. Sin is filth; and in all religions the sinner prays to God for cleanliness of mind, heart and body. "Wash me and so that i can be whiter than snow", says the psalmist; and "Cleanse  me from secret faults". A man may be clean in body, but if his mind full unclean and filthy desires, negative thoughts and unclean imaginings, he is a dirty man, however much he may wash his skin. True cleanliness, then, is not only next to, but a part of, true godliness.
Majority of the people believe that you can have healthy body only if you have a healthy mind. A healthy mind means you have a positive thoughts, honesty and a positive attitude. I personally believe that people who have healthy body have a healthy mind but it doesn't mean people with healthy body will have a healthy mind. We have heard about many professional players who has got a very healthy body, physics but they've a troubled life because of their negative attitude. A healthy body has a common traits  like that of healthy mind. To make a  healthy body you need to go through very good exercise and rigorous training. You may exercise one or two day but to keep your body and mind fit you need to exercise regularly. You can be healthy by regularly going for a jogging and running. You can also do indoor exercises in your own home. To do that you must have a strong will power. If a persona has a strong will power he can do anything. People who gets many successes in life is due to their strong will power specially mental power.
If you have a healthy body it can help to have a healthy mind. people who have a healthy body has a got lots of opportunity to enjoy their life to the fullest. But people with unhealthy body and mind can have major health problems and issues in their life. They cannot do normal things and enjoy their lives due to their unhealthy body and mind. Recent research has shown that there is a relation between healthy mind and healthy body.


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